Jaime Faith Edmondson

Jaime Faith Edmondson
Jaime Faith Edmondson
Jaime Faith Edmondson
Jaime Faith Edmondson
Jaime Faith Edmondson
Jaime Faith Edmondson
Jaime Faith Edmondson
Jaime Faith Edmondson
Jaime Faith Edmondson

You rarely see a police officer that can show off their goodies like Jaime Faith Edmondson. Yes, this Playboy hottie was a law enforcer that can bust up criminals in a non-sexy way.

I don’t know if it’s a good thing that she has quit that dangerous job, but what I do know is that I’m thankful to see those gorgeous assets right now. I just have to warn you guys, don’t do anything stupid when this babe is around, unless that’s your way of getting her attention.

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