Watch Online Russell Brand honoured with Fun Fearless Male of Year award
Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 17:57 [IST]
hollywood comedian russell brand honoured, fun fearless male of year, style magazine cosmopolitan, funnyman award, best choice awardHollywood comedian Russell Brand has been honoured with the Fun Fearless Male of the Year 2011 award. The style magazine Cosmopolitan has chosen the funnyman for the award this week. The editors say that he is the best choice for award, but Brand is quite confused to receive the award.
Recetnly, Russell Brand took to his account to express his sarcastic confusion with the untimely award. "When I was fun and fearless I spent a lot of time smoking crack and getting arrested. Where was Cosmo then?," the Daily Express quoted him as saying.
However, the editors of Cosmopolitan claim that Russell brand deserves their 2011 accolade. One reporter writes, "He got our attention in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and we've been hooked ever since. He just released his second book, My Booky Wooky 2: This Time It's Personal, is starring in two movies this year, and, well, the man just seems to get sexier by the second."