I’ve got a bunch of things to do today so I haven’t got much time for writing up a detailed blog entry. I’ve decided to post some photos from the studio session I had with model Liz Ashley in my home studio set up last summer.

Liz is a fine model from Houston, Texas, who I’d seen on the web and had wanted to work with for quite some time. I’m glad that I finally got to work with her, but I still felt rather frustrated that I had to do so in the confines of my studio. I hope that one day I’ll have the chance to work with her in a much more interesting outdoor setting.

By the way, the last image here, on the left, is an in-camera double exposure. No digital trickery with me and my work. I'm not sure how successful this image is - that's up to others to decide, ultimately, I suppose - but I do want to continue making explorations into this area.

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