Hi, folks. This will be another quickie post for me as I haven’t had time to really write anything. I’ll be taking a class at work all of next week that will require me to study at night so I can pass the test at the end – because if I don’t pass I can lose my job. (If only…….. )

Therefore, I’ve been trying to get in some new DVD watching this week while I can, and I’ve been enjoying the episodes of the second season of the new “Doctor Who” series with David Tennant. (I saw it when it was broadcast on the SciFi channel, but the widescreen DVDs look sooooooo much better.)

As for photography, today I’m posting another photo of Rhowena from my 2004 photo session with her in Nevada. I had scanned the negative of this one some time ago but never posted it online, thinking that perhaps it was a bit too ‘glam.’ However, I was showing it last week to a possible new model and she absolutely loved it (or so it seemed) and I’ve now decided to share it with the world. If anyone out there likes it, too, don’t be afraid to let me know.

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