Today is Sunday and I stayed home. After putting in four ten hour days at the office this past week, plus another eight hours of overtime yesterday, it was good to be able to sleep late and try to take it easy. Still, there were things to be done, like going through the pile of papers that had stacked up on my desk.

I also did some photographic work, finally writing out numbers and labels for all of the binders that hold my negatives. Still, the more daunting task lies ahead as far as that goes: going through all of the pages, writing down the dates, locations and subject matter, then typing it all into a spreadsheet so I can look up photos and find them more easily.

I received some positive comments regarding my last post and the images I posted with it – that is, some of the photos I saw at Christie’s auction house last weekend. I wasn’t sure if people would want to see such things, but I just want to give readers of my blog a chance to see some of the beautiful images that I’ve seen and perhaps widen their knowledge of different photographers.

Of course, the problem with doing what I did is to decide what to follow up with. After all, the likes of Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon and Jeanloup Sieff are hard acts to follow when it comes to images of the nude. So what did I decide to do?

Well, as you can see, I’ve chosen not to post any nudes this time. It’s been a while since I posted any of my photos from Asia, so I’m doing so now. I checked to see what I had scanned and saw that I had none from my trip to Laos earlier this year. That’s not surprising. Even though all of that film has been developed, only a couple of rolls have been filed. I chose to scan some negatives from the first page of that trip, all of them taken in the Lao capital city, Vientiane. They’re here for you to see now.

If you’re reading this now, you should already know that you have to deal with an adult content warning page to get to the blog page. That page wasn’t really put up by choice. It was just done to replace a similar page – you know, the one that said that people had complained about it. I don’t remember it exactly, but the wording went something like this: “Some of the readers of this have complained the material contained is objectionable.” That’s what they say. Here’s what I have to say about it: “Bullshit!”

Readers of this blog? Readers???!!! I think it’s pretty safe to say that all of the readers of this blog have no problem with the things I post. I dare say that many would be disappointed if I didn’t post what I do. If any people found it objectionable, then they could always choose to not visit the blog any more, and they wouldn’t be “readers.”

After I saw that my blog had been singled out, I happened to mention it to my friend Dave Levingston on the phone. He told me that he hadn’t looked at my blog yet that day, but said that the “church ladies” had found me. Then while we were still on the phone he told me that his blog had been given the objectionable label, too! (Some of you may have already read his account of it. If you haven’t, you can see it here.) Anyway, Dave suggested that I post the adult content warning, “adult” obviously being a better word than “objectionable.”

So, this all begs the question of why non-readers would make a fuss about it when they could simply go away and not look. I suppose it goes back to something that Lin of Fluffytek wrote about recently (read it here) – how it just bugs some people no end that others have no hang-ups with showing nudity, that they actually seem to have fun producing nude art and that they themselves must absolutely do something to rain on these other people’s parade.

Now, I have no problem with some people disagreeing with what I do. I’m sure that I disagree with things that they do (probably things like voting for George Bush and Sarah Palin). Still, there is something wrong when close-minded people who probably have brains the size of a pea (I’m talking collectively, not individually) can do something like this.

I just wonder what will be next. Putting up a content warning at the entrance to the Metropolitan Museum of Art because of all of the nude statues and paintings on display?

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