If you read my last blog posting, you’ll know that I’ve been rather busy lately. I also mentioned that part of that was for a good reason, and it was (and still is). I’ve finally begun to get my big backlog of film developed. As of today, I’ve taken care of 20 rolls of film – but as that’s only about 20% of the total amount to be done, I still have a long way to go. Still, I feel that I’ve done a significant amount and I’m happy about that.

Here, then, are the first fruits of my labors. The earliest of the film I developed goes back to my trip to Prince Edward Island, Canada, and Maine last year. I’ll be posting some of that work in time, but for now I’m starting with my trip to Ohio in April, when I photographed the beautiful Sarah Ellis in a house that was converted from a small church. My thanks again to my friend Dave Levingston for hosting me and driving me around while I was there in O-hi-o.

To see more images of my photo session with Sarah, please visit my website at: http://www.art2view.com/DaveRudin/content.cgi?content/GALLERIES__Art_Nudes/Ohio .

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