Well, today’s Monday for a little more than an hour, and since I missed making my regular Sunday blog posting yesterday, I figure that I ought to get it done now before today becomes tomorrow.

I spent yesterday doing…. well, what did I do? Oh, yeah. I was copying music to load into an MP3 player that I bought recently, and I was starting to use the new Canon compact digital camera that I bought Friday to replace my little Pentax. One of the reasons I got the Canon is that Canon seems to be one of the few manufacturers who still make their compacts with an optical viewfinder, a feature which I think is very important to have. Anyway, I’m planning to do some photo making during the upcoming months and I want to get some decent digital photos along with the film stuff, especially as I still don’t know when I’ll be able to develop film again.

Today was a hot day here in New York, so here are some photos of Rhowena during somewhat cooler days back in the winter of 2003. She wasn’t outside for the first one, though, but was standing inside next to a large window (more easily seen in the next image). As I’ve written here before, too bad that she retired from modeling.

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